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Member of the Month

A person in a "Polk Fire" cap and uniform stands in front of the US flag.

The Polk County Fire District No. 1 is proud to honor Volunteer Firefighter Colton Biggs as our Member of the Month. Colton's unwavering dedication, commitment, and bravery exemplify the spirit of volunteerism that keeps our community safe. His willingness to answer the call of duty at any hour and his eagerness to mentor new recruits highlight his leadership skills and compassionate nature. Colton consistently goes above and beyond, whether it's during emergency responses or community outreach programs, ensuring that the people of Independence, Oregon, can rely on the fire district's support. We extend our deepest gratitude to Colton for his outstanding service and commend him for his remarkable contributions to our team and our community. Thank you, Colton, for your selflessness and dedication. Colton has been a volunteer with our District since xxxx.